- No, both Honey based B12GREENFOOD and Nirant Churna are made from natural Ayurvedic ingredients, which have no side effects.
- Honey based B12GREENFOOD provides initial results in 20-25 days in vitamin B12 deficiency
-Nirant Churna will improve your constipation complaint within a week
-You should take this combo for 3-6 months for best results.
-Take Honey based B12GREENFOOD Daily early morning before breakfast, one tablespoon of Honey Based B12 GREENFOOD mixed with 1 glass Luke warm milk/water and at night after dinner
-Niranta Churna should be taken every night before going to bed one teaspoon (5 grams) with water.
-Honey based B12GREENFOOD is having ingredients such as spirulina, seaweed, alfalfa, honey, stevia, wheatgrass, ginger, turmeric and triphala and
-Nirant Churn is having ingredients like triphala, sweet neem, fennel, coriander, ginger, haritaki etc.
-Yes, this Honey based B12GREENFOOD and Nirant Churna combo will streghthen your digestive system and increses absorption and storage of vitamin b12 and flush out old faeces and waste from your intestines to relieve your constipation.
-No, the only indication to take this Honey based B12GREENFOOD and Nirant Churna combo is if you have vitamon b12 deficiency with chronic constipation, this is not a general tonic.
-Anyone above 18 years can consume uric food and Nirant Churna combo.
-Combo of uric food and Nirant Churna is a blend of complete Ayurvedic ingredients
It does not contain any chemicals, artificial colors or steroids.
- if you have anemia, tiredness, weakness, empty hands and feet along with with severe constipation, gas then this combo will give you results.